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tv   Lockup Orange County  MSNBC  November 23, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised.%u my [ bleep ] bill is too damn high. it feels like i can't afford it, man. >> jail takes a dark turn for a light hearted teenager.dangerous in here because people are fighting life so people snap easily. >> it provides a new beginning for an old bank robber. >> i've been writing "bank robber blues, the tales of the mummy bandit." it's a page-turner. >> and a mother who puts drugs before her son gets another chance. >> me being over there in
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afghanistan and seeing my mom in jail, it's really hard on me. >> that's my boy. orange county, california conjures images of well-manicured neighborhoods andulture that gave birth to the beach boys. but blending seamlessly into the heart of one of its busiest neighborods is a reminder of the county's other side. the theo lacy jail is the largest of five jail facilities in the orange county system. it sits on 11 acres and has a capacity of more than 3,000
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inmates. >> let's go. hands behind your back. back row go to the house. >> marc gonzales is one of them, and except for his jail-issued t-shirt and scrubs, he could easily be mistaken for any other fun-loving oc teenager. >> i love surfing. i love the ocean. it's the best. the promised land here. nothing could go wrong except for robbing a weed store and getting arrested. my mom is in a lot of shock right now. it's the first offense. my baby is robbing weed stores? what does he need that for? >> unlike most inmates in the orange county jail system who not been convicted but are awaiting trial, gonzales pled guilty to robbery and received a one-year sentence. with good behavior he coul out in nine months, and if his family gets its way back in minnesota. >> i have a bunch of newspapers under my bed because my mom sent#é
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me a subscription because i wanted to stay updated with what was going on in minnesota, concert-wise and weather and everything else that was going on so i can still feel like home in a way. i'm the first one in my family history to ever get in trouble. although we do have treatment hi but they send me letters every them. you know, they still love me because they understand how difficult this is for me, an i'm doing ni offense. that's a lot of time. >> it's time gonzales could have avoided if, as he claims, he ed into committing robbery. >> my crimey asked me out of the blue, hey, how would you like to rob a marijuana store, and i was like, whoa, that's not me at all. you know, i try to keep it peaceful with everybody, you know it. why would you need to steal for it? probably two months later we're out of money. we're out of weed. we're kind of stressing and he's
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like, all right, how about now? and i'm like, all right. we'll see how it goes. >> gonzales and his friend targeted a medical marijuana dispensary that had a delivery service. us. i was pretending to dig through it, and he came around back with the gun and did what he did, and we just popped out and that was >> less than a week later gonzales and his friend were pulled over for a cracked windshield. the police officer then smelled marijuana coming from the car. >> they searched the car, and they find the gun. they found the weed. they found everything. they matched the weed up with the description of the robbery and then the gunhe admitted that was his, so i didn't get charged with the armed robry, thank god, so i learned my lesson, yeah. yeah, i learned my lesson. not to get pulled over. i'm just k risk first-time offender, gonzales has had one piece of good news. the hundreds of inmates facing charges like murder, rape or gang activ assigned to live in the minimum security workers' barracks, probably the most desirable jail.
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>> as you see, it's barracks type of setting. once the day room is open they are free to go usually anywhere within this side of the barracks. that's when they play their ping-pong and their cards, watch tv, read the newspaper, so they have a little bit more freedom >> play rummy.d. >> pick it up, down. if you don't want it. >> that's spades, homey. >> that's what i'm saying. >> thought you were talking about rummy. >> playing spades. >> for every six days that you work, you get another extra day of good time and an extra day of work time taken off of your sentence.úí you're in custody and they are working, it's like eight days as long as they behave. >> gonzales works in the laundry facility. sir? >> that's going to surplus. >> i work on the clothes that everyone wears. i sort them and fold them. take them off the truck brand new, yeah, they're all fresh, socks, pants. i get new clothes every day and never dirty, always new. that's what matters. that's what matters. >> did you do the laundry when you were living at home? >> ah, no.
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my mom would always be doing my laundry. >> gonzales says he has a good relationsh but she's about to fly in from minnesota for her first visit to the jail. >> she wasn't very happy with me the last time we talked. she'll be here for a couple of weeks. we'll see what she has to say. >> three miles away in the women's wing of orange county's central jail facility, paula revis, serving three years for identity theft and forgery is also preparing for a mother-son reunion. >> here you go. >> i know it's hard for him that i'm in here. i just want him to forgive me that i'm not out there for him, and i want him to know that i'm going to be out there. >> rivas' son is a marine who deployed to afghanistan seven months ago. join the military, but when you realize that they are going to war and there's nothing you can do, it's not easy. especially being here in jail,
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you know. he has nothing to come home to. i'm in here, you know. i can't write -- well, i could write him, but it's just difficult, you know. i letter with orange county jail stamped on it. >> i look for articles about over there to see. every time i see the newspaper, losing 11, 10 men, i don't know if it's my boy. it's not been easy. s r him over the years. she was often more focused on drugs than family. >> i was getting high one way or another from 9 years old, whether it be on weed, drinking. back then lsd, pcp.years, it's been mostly -- it was coke for a wh drugs, heroin, meth. i've been coming here for the last ten years consistently, and know the deputies in this place more than my own family. i know this place more than my son, you know. >> this is the first time rivas'
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son has been deployed while she's been locked up. normally she would serve her time in prison, but a judge granted her request to stay at the orange county jail so she could be closer to her son when he returns from afghanistan. >> prison is a cakewalk, you know. it's so much easier. i've got it made up there. upstate is our house. this is their house. over here it's the deputies. this is their house. they run it as their home. it's very tight. nobody wants to do their time hosen to stay to see my boy. everyone thinks i'm crazy but, no, i want 45 minutes with him, because yo going to be the last. coming up -- >> i drink and i get aggressive, i guess.
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i said i wasn't going to drink again, and here we are. >> cell mates share tales of booze and bank robbery. some. some combinations were just meant to be. tomato soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. 7a yo, give it up, dude! up high!
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the most trusted inmates in orange county california live in the workers barracks of the theo lacy jail where they enjoy more privileges and freedom of movement than in other housing units. the majority of inmates live under much more restrictive conditions.5$ two-man cells in housing units known as modules or mods. >> are any of them giving you any issues? >> no. really haven't had any issues at least with them today.
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>> most of these inmates were due to their charges and criminal sophistication. they are entitled to two hours every day of day room and then three times a week they get an hour in the facility. unless they have outdoor rec time, they are in their cell for 22 hours. >> still, some of the inmates are being pulled out of their cells for a surprise shakedown. >> we search cells to find contraband, weapons, drugs. >> let's go, guys. >> let's go. >> go out to rec and enjoy your time out there, and we'll call you back in. >> a lot of times they will keep fruit and turn that into a jailhouse alcohol called pruno. they will save bread and save all that. the yeast in the bread to ferment. the sugary juice, it will turn into pruno, which they're making one right here. there's no way that they can know what the alcohol content is
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on this. >> ryan abbey has never been caught with alcohol in jail, but it's gotten him into plenty of trouble on the outside. >> drink and i get aggressive, i guess, and i start arguing and, you know, it's a drink in 16 months, so this -- this is k actually the second time i've drinken in 16 months, and this is where it brought me back to so, yeah. i did five months here last time. i was here last year, and i said i wasn't going to drink again, and here we are. >> but alcohol is more than just a problem for abbey. it's also the foundation of his career. >> i'm an investor in a vodka company called boutay vodka. it's got a really good taste and it's smooth. >> dare i ask if that's what you were intoxicated on when you were -- >> oh, you are 100% correct. it sneaks up on you. let me just say that. it will sneak up on you, but, yeah.
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we had a few shots that night, and i was celebrating a bar that i was a part owner of, too, that we sold, and every time i drink, this is -- this is what happens. >> unfortunately for abbey, falling off the wagon will likely lead to consequences beyond jail. he's expecting to get a prison sentence the next time he goes to court. >> it's a different experience, but i think you've got to show the respect that you show when you're here for the deputies, for the inmates, and, yeah, you know. it is what it is, i guess. >> abbey's cellmate jimmy torres can tell him all about life in prison. >> i spent all my 30s inside. i got out when i was 41. they don't mess around. when they hammer you, they hammer you good. >> torres is at orange county
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appealing his conviction for an armed bank robbery he claims he didn't commit, but he does take credit for dozens of other bank him a prior 11-year sentence at another federal penitentiary. >> the yankee bandit, my cellmate at one time, a world famous bank robber, he holds a record at 72 banks robbed. and i'm like, come on, man, i was just getting warmed up at 72. throughout the years i've probably robbed mo and no more than 150. put it that way. >> torres says the inspiration become a bank robber occurred when he was a young boy growing up in a tough part of orange county. >> i never had money in my pocket to buy an ice cream when i was a kid, and that used to bother me because all the other kids had money, and i got caught
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ck in y with warren beatty and i forget the actress, faye dunaway and i remember walking home that day and i said i'm going to rob a bank, just like bonnie and clyde used to. i was kicking rocks, you know. >> how much money do you think you've gotten from your bank robberies all these years? >> i don't know. you might want to ask ceasar's palace or something. i have no idea. i never counted. >> torres says he didn't just gamble away his loot but was a modern day robinhood. >> i would give money to homeless people when i see them on the street. i give them $100. i remember one time i was coming out of a bank and kids were out there at christmastime with the salvation army. he asked me for money. i don't have any right now and i'll be right back. you can imagine what i did, okay? >> now 49 years old, torres started his career as a bank y 17, and obberies have been non-violent. >> i w basically just pass the note. i never used a gun. basically used to put this is a robbery. from the bottom drawer first. i wanted the money from the bottom drawer. i didn't want the money from the
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top drawer because that's the chump change. >>became known as the mummy bandit because of how he would cover his face during robberies, but he says the mummy in these surveillance photos which led to his latest conviction is an imposter. >> i would put b my identity, band-aids, nothing like the guy in the surveillance picture. where is the mummy bandit? i'm an easy scapegoat. got to be this guy. he's robbed more banks than anybody on the planet. >> investigators linked torres' dna to the hat worn by the bank robber, which led to his conviction. but now he's hired a new attorney who has filed for retrial. >> there were big-time errors that happened during my trial and certain evidence was not brought forth that should have been brought for the. from a brain tumor.
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she had a brain tumor no wondeeverything i kept trial. coming up -- >> hi, son. >> hello. >> marc gonzales gets a visit from his mother. and later -- >> i joined the marine corps for her just trying to get her to be proud of me for once. >> paula rivas' son braces for a visit with his mother.
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to leave on probation. it again. i came here on vacation. >> i left on probation. >> i'm going to leave on probation. >> say it again. es came to orange county to serve and to enjoy the california lifestyle. he'll leave as a convicted felon for participating in the robbery of a medical marijuana delivery man and presumably with considerably less hair. >> that's me right there. all dreaded out. didn't have my glasses. uldn't see a thing. i came in with no shoes and a tank top.
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ah, yeah. i was little -- i was pretty stoned, yeah. >> drug use had led to problems for gonzales before his arrest as well. >> like seventh or eighth grade, i started smoking a little bit of pot, and then i started doing a lot of psychedelics more than smoking weed and then i got placed into an outpatient rehab facility for the first time. it didn't work. i relapsed. i was losing jobs. i was failing school and not doing that well. i barely graduated. >> now three months into his one-year sentence, gonzales is siting room at orange county's theo lacy jail facility. his mother, who asked that we not reveal her face, has just flown in from his home state of minnesota. >> hi, son. >> hello. >> oh, my gosh. this is the first time i've seen you with your hair cut. i really like it. >> it was all right. it was all right. i just sat outside and read a lot. it's really sunny outside. been sitting outside a lot. >> are you still working every day? >> every day. >> well, that's a good thing, isn't it? >> yeah. i work every day and have my time go by fast. >> now, have you checked into classes, son? >> no. >> okay. >> one thing gonzales lkand his mother still need to settle is exactly where he will fulfill
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his court-mandated rehab. >> because i can go here and do a program here and transfer for free instead of paying. >> transfer where, here? >> for the phoenix house here and transfer over there to the phoenix house once i get out. it will pick me up, and it's free. >> yeah. well -- >> you'd rather have me go to minnesota? >> yeah. you'll have so much more family support, and i think that's going to be absolutely critical to your recovery, son. >> but it's just going to be hard because like we talked about before with all my friends there and all my -- all my friends use pretty much. >> yeah, they do. >> except two people. >> yeah, they do. >> it's going to be pretty hard. you already know that. when i switched schools, it's pretty hard. out here i'll have a fresh start. >> it will be hard no matter either way you go. >> it can go either way pretty much. don't want to be shoveling for five years or surfing for five years. i kind of would rather be the other way. >> but you can snowboard. >> i can go snowboard here. >> but i just think that the
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support is something that is crucial. >> that's true. i want to choose what's best for me when i get out of here. >> yes, whatever is -- >> so far everything has been going well for me in here, just where i was placed. when i feed -- i don't know when i feed the mods, it's totally different. >> that's what you said. >> people are locked up in a totally different way than i am. it just makes me be thankful for where i am, you know. i would probably never be in the mods. the mods is like way inside, like two-man cell. you're in a cell. >> really. >> they lock the door on you. >> so that's where you see i guess the real serious inmates i would imagine. >> mm-hmm. it's a whole different world, yeah. it's a whole different world. >> are they close to you? i mean, that's somewhat disturbing. >> you can't hear me? >> when their 45 minutes is up, the intercom is cut off and gonzales' time with his mother comes to an abrupt end.
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>> i'll see you tomorrow. i'll see you tomorrow. >> so how did it go? >> it was all right. it was really good to see her. i haven't seen her in a really long while. good to hear her voice. at first she seemed strong and real sad, but she's strong and really picked herself up. it was really good to talk to her and see her and soon i'll see the rest of my family and everything will be going by fast and soon i'll be out of here. she's probably feeling pretty down right now. you know, we get cut off. like dead silent, you know. i can't do sign language or nothing. can't write no notes because i don't want to get in trouble, so she's probably pretty sad. she has to go back all alone,
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but i'll see her tomorrow. i miss her a lot. we used to do so much together, and now she's visiting me in jail, and that's part of our journey together. just still continuing what we're going to do. it's not going to hold us back. not going to change anything at all. coming up -- ♪ i'm out in orange county i'm down south and there's no place i can stay ♪ >> the mummy bandit sings the blues and works on his autobiography. >> i've got a couple of guys, my critics, and they say it's a page-turner. >> and marc gonzales runs into big trouble. >> it's bad, yeah. and i want to roll over my old 401(k) into a fidelity ira. man: okay, no problem. it's easy to get started; i can help you with the paperwork. um...this green line just appeared on my floor.
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a natural gas explosion in downtown massachusetts has destroyed at least one building andd eight people. defiance of the fan they fear is becoming a dictator. earlier protesters clashed with police in several other cities after egypt's president adopted new broad powers.
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opponents demanded to resign. now back to "lockup." due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. ♪ i'm in orange county ♪ ♪ i'm ordinary ♪ ♪ i went down south and there's no place i can stay ♪ ♪ i'm down in el paso so i've got to lay low ♪ ♪ i wipe my tracks and get away to mexico ♪ ♪ yes, i am ♪ ♪ and if you seen me coming, baby ♪ ♪ i've been on the lam ♪ >> jimmy torres has plenty of reasons to sing the a federal penitentiary and was recently convicted of a bank robbery he says he didn't commit. ♪ if you see me coming, baby,
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i'll be on the lam ♪ >> and the crowd went wild. i was america's most wanted man. thanks. that's the crowd. unfortunately, they're a captured audience. >> torres used to sing in a band on the outside, but he's probably better known for being a prolific bank robber. now he's pursuing a literary career working on his autobiography. >> yeah. it's "the bank robber blues, the tales of the mummy bandit." it's pretty good. i've got a couple guys here. i let them read it, and they are kind of my critics, and they say it's a page-turner. it keeps the reader interested. it doesn't take a genius to figure out how to write when you lay it down. if they can do it, i can do it. i'm working on it. i'm just getting warmed up. i have a lot more to go. i'm like in 1985 right now. >> but for now torres puts his book aside to help out his cellmate ryan abbey. >> basically what you want to
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tell them is that you need help, buddy, okay? >> yeah. >> you've got a problem. we both know that. what you told me, i read the police reports. >> abbey was convinced his latest arrest would send him to prison, but the judge has allowed him the option of entering an alcohol treatment program. now he just has to be accepted by one. >> 38 years old now, thelacy, alcoholic. >> definitely. >> like to be accepted to your program. if i could be accepted to your program. the judge recently allowed me to go to rehabilitation. >> yeah. but don't write it in ancient
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scriptures. that's what it looks like, dude, because the writing -- >> it's a little messy. >> it's a little messy. >> thankful for a second chance. >> it looks like you're using ancient scripture, you know. >> second chance to change my life and to get into the steps of an alcoholism program. >> while things are looking up fo disappoint his mother. >> said don't get in any trouble. don't do anything bad. >> shortly after h mother's return to minnesota, gonzales was given a new job. he was moved from laundry detail to helping in the jail's intake unit. >> inmate gonzales was a trustee worker as we call it. inmate gonzales would take his property and put it in different carts and bins so he had access to inmate property and he stole a cell phone and transported it back to his dorm. >> but gonzales says one of his co-workers stole the phone. >> he ended up stealing a cell phone from the property bag. it was in the big thing of clothes, and i just put it in the bag along with some like other stuff that we needed to bring back and so i got in trouble for bringing it back. >> either way, inmates are prohibited from having cell phones because they are
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threat. >> to haany time where you can contact someone on the street to authorize a hit or you can contact someone on the street to try to facilitate bringing drugs into the system, it becomes a major issue, especially if it gets in the hands of those that are more sophisticated. >> the violation not only cost gonzales his job, but his place in the workers barracks. probably the most desirable housing unit in the entire jail system. he has been transferred three miles away to the county central jail facility. >> he was moved out trustee barracks and into a more secure dorm at c-12 in the main jail. >> this place sucks. being locked up behind these bars is a whole new -- it's a
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whole new lifestyle because hearing the door open clink and the keys and the slamming, it's musty and it's a lot worse. people come and go. it's easy to catch stuff. it's dirty. it's a little bit more dangerous fighting different cases. i was just with people drinking and driving and that type of stuff, not really hard stuff. here people are here for life so people can snap easily, and there's a lot of small tempers and fights over small stuff, like soap and the tv. that's why i just stay in my o my time and get my head down, for real this time, not get caught up in any trouble.
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when paula rivas gets reck time at the orange county jail
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in california, she usually spends it alone, punching a basketball. >> i'm a fighter. i use my fists, you know. i used to go to the boxing gym out there. you have to be solid as a rock in here, and nobody wants to see nobody cry in here. that's the first thing we tell them. don't cry. don't shed a tear. man up. >> face the glass. >> it's been very hard for me to manage. >> rivas has spent most of the last ten years locked up on various drug-related charges, but this time it's different. while she's here, her son lorenzo has been serving as a marine in afghanistan. >> i didn't want him to be hurt or injured in any way, you know. he's seen a lot. i know he has. but he's lost a few friends, i know that. >> today lorenzo is not only safe but home from his deployment. he has just arrived with his grandmother for a visit.
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>> i haven't seen her in about nine months. to see my mom in jail it's really hard on me. seems like she's always gone when i need her the most. me being over there in afghanistan and me being here, one of the worst feelings ever. she hasn't always been there for me. it's void in my life. i did get one letter from her and i was really surprised. i must have read it 10, 15 time be. she told me she was proud of me. my whole life i always tried to make her proud. alorts, tried looking the best, dressing nice. i joined the marine corps just
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for her just to get her to be proud of me for once, make me think she would stay out of trouble if she was proud of her son and not go back to jail so many times, just for me once, but it seems like she always goes back to her life and she chooses her life over me and that's always been the hardest part. >> i love you, baby. i worry so much. sit down. hello. how are you? >> i'm good. how are you? >> better now that i see you. i worry about you very much.there. >> it's okay. >> when are you going overseas again? >> i don't know yet. >> you don't know. i see the news all the time, you know, things that are happening over there, you see the newspapers and stuff and i worry about you so much. >> i'm fine. >> i'm almost out of here, and i'm going to go to a program. good, which i need structure, you know. i'll be home after that, after the program, you know. i'll get a job and i'll get a job and do what is right and stop messing around, you know? >> yeah. >> i'm tired of this life.
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i'm tired. >> i'm tired of it, too. >> i know you are. i know you're tired, but this is it, man. i don't want to miss any more time with you. i want you to come home next time and i'm going to be home, you know. i promise you. i'm not going to break it this time. you're the best thing i've ever done. you are. you didn't follow in my footsteps which is good. i'm proud of you. so proud. and i'm so proud that you're my son. >> i miss you. >> i miss you, too. >> i miss you. >> i miss you. i want to hug you, and i want to hold you and tell you that it's going to be all right, you know, and i'm going to be okay, and i don't want to miss any more of your life, son. i just want you to know that this is going to be the last time you see me in this place,
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because i've got the best son to go home to, i know. i'm so grateful. i feel like a load has been lifted off my chest seeing him okay. >> i feel a lot better now, just seeing my mom. it made me feel great that she told me she was proud of me. it just makes me feel like accomplished. she tells me she feels proud of me. i can never hear enough from her. she wants to prove to me, make me believe that this will be the last time i will have to come in here to see her. she wants to prove to me. ly be a mother to me. >> my son needs to be my number one priority now. not me. my priority was always me, on, and i needed to tell him that, you know? and i'm not just going to tell him i'm going to do it, i'm going to show him. this is the beginning of a new life, a better life, for me and him.
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♪ ♪ i ain't never heard of ya ♪ ♪ i'll make you sing like tina turner ♪ ♪ i'm the most hated ♪ >> things are looking up for mark gonzales as well. >> this here is spades, man. this is like jail, like anybody who knows how to play spades has been to jail or is just an old man like. >> i was going to say, my mom taught me how to play spades. >> my mom taught me, too. mom and pops. >> though he is now in a more restrictive housing unit with inmates accused of more serious crimes, he's made some new friends. >> i'm jay dizzle. i be rapping and stuff.
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>> that's my bodyguard right there. that's my bodyguard right there. >> that's wacky chan, wacky chan. ♪ ♪ my [ bleep ] bill is too high ♪ ♪ we been around ♪ ♪ we get around in your town it's how we get down ♪ >> while gonzales has made the most of his time at the central jail, few things in jail last forever. a couple of days later he was transferred back to the theo lacy jail. he's been assigned to a cell in one of the mods, the very place he wanted to avoid. >> i would probably never be in the mods. like no sunlight, two-man cell. you're in a cell, like they lock the door on you. >> really? that's where i guess you see the real serious. see, that's somewhat disturbing.
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>> i don't know why they brought me over here. i liked it better over there. >> have you told your mom your moved over here. >> i talked to her. she got right on the phone with my lawyer and i just talke there's nothing they can really do. >> on the bright side, gonzales says his new cellmate is helping him adjust to the change. >> right away we connected a lot, especially if you want to learn and he's getting me into more about god and jesus and got me a bible and we do bible study every day. >> have you accepted jesus christ as your lord and personal savior? >> yep, right when i first started coming here, i totally decided to let him fully in my life and i got rid of all my sins and blessed him for everything that i've done and what i have to become. >> that's the first part. you accepted. now it's time to let you go and let him work through you and change you to let you become the person he wants you to be.
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>> when i first found out it kind of took me off guard. >> and a judge decides if paula rivas can leave jail. that's double miles you can actually use... ther's white christmas just got "blacked out." [ brother ] but it's the family party! really jingles your bells, doesn't it? my gift to you! the capital one venture card! for any flight, any time! that's double miles you can actually use! how illuminating. what's in your wallet? let me guess, am i on the naughty list again? ho ho ho! [ male announcer ] this december, remember -- what starts with adding a friend... ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ...could end with adding a close friend. ♪ ♪ the lexus december to remember
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jimmy torres is no stranger to the orange county jail. but even though he claims to be one of the nation's most prolific bank robbers, he says this time he's not guilty. and a judge has decided torres will get a sec prove his innocence. he's granted torres a retrial of his most recent bank robbery conviction. >> it's going to be a new trial now, and everything is going to come out. the truth is going to come out. >> torres' cellmate ryan abbey he was accepted into a reh program, and a few weeks into it has written to torres about life outside the orange county jail. >> i received two letters from ryan since he's been gone. he goes, hey, jimmy, what's up, buddy? did some research -- did some
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research on the mummy bandit thing for me, and he says there's mummy bandits all over the place. it's like a mummy nation. he mentions that sobriety is great. people are good at the house, and he mentioned also that he's going to help me with this project we've got going. we're going to make some t-shirts, free the mummy bandit., the name of the website. you will win your case. let me know when your next court date is. >> mark gonzales is adjusting not only to a new cellmate but a new cell where he's confined most of the day. he even eats his meals in his cell, and it's not that he's paranoid about the food, but he is cautious. hing my meat. this is what i call boo-boo meat. the nastiest, smelly meat ever. he likes it but i think it's nasty. i wash it off. it's like a rinse job i have goin that's just me, you know.
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some people like to eat it but i see people always trying to wash their meat off. and the water turns like all musty brown. >> gonzales has been getting along with his new cellmate alvin lovely. then he learned that lovely was in jail awaiting trial on a murder charge. >> when i first found out about the charges it kind of took me off guard. i was like, whoa, okay. i started thinking of new ways how to play it off. i've got to be calm around this person. i shouldn't be talking much about this or this. i don't want to set off certain triggers that can make him mad because i'm with someone getting charged with murder. i'm not calling him a murder, but he's been there, done that, and i don't want him to know and i'll try to keep that from my mom, too, that i'm in with someone for murder and that helps her a lot, you know, doesn't know. doesn't hurt in this situation.
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>> while gonzales' mother might be concerned if she knew about her son's living situation, she can take comfort in knowing that the orange county jail might have realigned his priorities. >> like in my mug shot picture i stuck my tongue out. it was a joke to me, totally. spending 11 months, i just learned how to become a man physically and mentally and then have to go to rehab right after i get out, that's a big eye-opener for me. i'm never going to come back. i just experienced all the things my family had to go through, and all the money that's been spent. i never want to do this ever again. i've got my little calendar right there written on the wall. it says 22 pancakes left. every saturday we get pancakes, and i've got 22 left. i mark it down every time. today is the 22nd. 22 pancakes left. >> paula rivas is hoping she'll never eat another pancake at the orange county jail either. she's headed to court in hopes that a new plea bargain will
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soon set her free. >> my public defender has told me that everything is okay, but i could always go to court and maybe them not give me all the e two open cases and one is supposed to run concurrent with the other, but there's always that chance that it might not. i've seen it many times when girls, they are positive that they are going to go in and get their credit time and then they come back devastated because their time didn't run concurrent fully. so if that happens, basically i'll end up going upstate for like ten months. there's always that slim chance. >> ready for sentencing. is that correct? >> yes, your honor. >> all right, ma'am. you are sentenced to state prison for a period of three years. credits of 550 actual and 550 good work time for a total of 1,100 so you've done your time. you're not going to be transported to state prison. you have credit for time served. it's been a long time coming, i know that.
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and i have a sense that you're going to do it well. the problem is that you have no choice. have you to do it well. with your history, with your priors, if you don't do well, you're going to end up back in the prison and you have a son in the marine corps, pretty proud, huh? >> yeah. >> the point is they can't do it for you. i know you're motivated. just believe it or not, that is the easy part. the hard part is tonight when you get out. you've been in custody for so long. the court wishes you do well. good luck. >> thanks. >> the judge's ruling is for rivas. he decides because of the time she's already done in orange county, she can transfer to a drug rehabilitation program rather than prison.
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>> remember it wasn't this way, right? >> yeah. >> with all my priors, i've always went upstate, so it's something different for me, something new, and for me it's the last time i'm going to come back. >> you out of here? >> i'm out of here, bunky. yes, ma'am. yes, ma'am. >> bye, paula. >> bye, paula. >> thank you. bye-bye. >> good luck. >> as soon as i touched down downstairs, i'm going to call the program. do what i've got to do, for myself, my family. my son.
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